Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals Under the Full Moon

Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals Under the Full Moon

Numerous methods can be employed to cleanse, charge, and prepare your crystals for use.

Crystal Cleansing

Under the recent full moon, I chose to let my crystals soak up the moon's energy by nestling them in fertile, dark soil inside a protective selenite bowl. Before this lunar bath, I purified the crystals through a cleansing smudging ritual, using white sage while they rested in a pristine white selenite vessel.

For added security, I prefer not to bury them directly in the earth, to safeguard against potential loss or any unintended disturbance by wildlife.

Always take a moment to show gratitude for the energy and essence they bring.

If you want to see the smudging in action, there is a 20 second video posted with the FULL MOON RITUAL GUIDE.  CLICK HERE.

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